Friday, September 9, 2016

Chapter 2 - Collaboration Information Systems

In order to know what the two key characteristics of collaboration we must distinguish the difference between cooperation and collaboration. Cooperation is a group of people working together, doing the same task to finish an assigned job. Whereas, collaboration is a group of people working together to get the job done by using process of feedback and iteration.
Students tend to go for cooperation where the work are divided evenly with the group and then work independently to get the tasks done, then combined what they did and turn it in. This way may help with finish the project fast but it will not produce higher quality results than working alone. On the other hand, when working collaboratively students are able to give each other feedbacks then revise the project accordingly. This process is what makes collaboration more effective than cooperation or working alone.

It is important that students give effective and critical feedback when working in a team. Students should not be too polite or too negative towards giving feedback. The three criteria for successful collaboration are successful outcome, growth in team capability, and meaningful and satisfying experience. Of course the best way to measure whether the team has successfully collaborated is based on the outcome of the project. For students, it is the letter grade that the team received. For the business team, it is whether they successfully produce the product within time and budget allowed. Growth in team capability is important a long-term team recognize whether or not the team has improved in terms of their common goals. Lastly, another criterion that can determine the success of the team is whether they have a meaningful and satisfying experience. The task that is perceived as meaningful by team members can make a difference in work performance. Also, if the individual is praised for the job that they have done, that can also make her work experience more meaningful.

The four primary purposes of collaboration are become informed, make decisions, solve problems, and manage projects. The purpose of being inform is that all members have the same understanding of given information the same way. It is an important factor that everyone is on the same page and are correctly informed in order to effectively communicate and share data. We need to understand decision making in order to see the role of collaboration.

There are three levels of decisions: operational, managerial, and strategic. In operational decisions, managers decide things from day-today activities such as how much products to order from a certain vendor or which invoice to pay. In managerial decisions, managers make more complex decision that requires collaborative effort of a team. Some decisions need to take many factors into consideration such as analysis of inflation, industry trends, the organization’s profitability the influence of unions, and many other factors. Therefore, it is important to have different perspectives from different people like senior managers, accountants, human resources personnel, labor relationship manager, and other type of managers. Strategic decisions are often big decisions that can affect everyone in the organization and will also require collaborative effort; big decision are such as coming out with new product line, re-locating company, or acquiring another company.

The decision process divides into two types of process: structured decision and unstructured decision. Structured decision only requires a formula to compute or a standard method to make decision. Structure decision is rather straightforward and does not need collaboration effort. Whereas unstructured decision process is one that requires more complex thinking and analyzing data to come up with the best decision. This kind of decision making requires a team working collaboratively.

Solving problem is the third primary purpose of why we collaborate. The most important aspect of solving problem is understanding and defining the problem. If you can define the problem, then it is half solved. A problem is perceived as difference between what is and what ought to be. Because of this perception, different people can have different problem definitions.

The last purpose of collaboration is managing project. Projects can vary from marketing plan, designing a factory, produce new product, or perform the annual audit. There are four primary phases of managing project.
1.     The starting phase is where the team set ground rules for the project. At this phase, there are a lot of question the team need to straighten out such as understand what authority they have? is the project given or they need to identify what it is? Is there any specific method that the team need to use or are they free to use any of their choice? Also, there need to be an initial budget and expectations set out for the project.
2.     The planning phase is where the team decide “who will do what and by when”. Each member will be assign a task based on their expertise. Then once that is decided, the team can plan the project schedule. This step can cause complications as things might not go as original planned. Budget might be adjusted to fit the resources on hand.
3.     This phase is where the team will be working on tasks to complete the project on time. Problems need to be identify as soon as they arise so no time will be wasted.
4.     The finalizing phase is where the team needs to ask themselves, “are we done?”. If it is complete, they need to document results properly for future usage and put the team to an end.
There are two ways of communication that can be used in collaboration team are synchronous communication and asynchronous communication. Synchronous communication is where team members will meet at a specific location and talk directly. Whereas asynchronous communication is where team members will not meet at the same time.
Synchronous uses conference calls, text chats, screen sharing, webinars, and videoconferencing. Asynchronous uses email, discussion forums, or team surveys.

Being able to share content is one of the main functions of collaboration. Team members will use many different types of applications to share project data (documents, spreadsheets, presentation) with each other. Most traditional way of sharing files is using email. But it is found that this method can cause many security issues or that the intended recipient did not get the attachment send out. Another way to share is using google drive. This is an effective way to store and share files, and is also an open-source which can be very cost effective for the company.  

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